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Want to compete? $45 entry fee gets you one bushel of tomatoes and saves your spot. If you and your friend/spouse/family member are entering one salsa together, only one entry fee is needed. Bushels must be picked up on 8/17 or 8/18. Salsa must be ready to serve by 11:30am on 8/19. This year when you pick up your bushel, you’ll be given 200 sample cups. Please bring your salsa in these cups on 8/19.  You will NOT need to man your booth this year. Instead, each customer will get a bag with each sample. Customers will vote after tasting all samples. Winner receives a cash prize!


ADDITIONAL DETAILS will be emailed to competitors once entry fee payment is received. Questions may be submitted at any time to or via Facebook messenger.


EVENT WILL HAPPEN RAIN OR SHINE. Rescheduling will occur only if there is severe weather.

SALSA FEST: Competitor Entry

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